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January 11, 2024

Cool Things to Add to Your Wishlist When Your Bank Account Says YOLO

Level up, adulting champions! You've conquered budgets, tackled bills, and crushed your goals. Now, it's time to celebrate that American hustle with some well-deserved rewards! Forget frivolous splurges – this guide is about responsible indulgence, smart upgrades that improve your life and keep you feeling financially fit.

  • Jennifer Andrew
  • Discounting Your Dreams

If you are daydreaming about cool things to buy when you have extra money and working on a list that will inspire you to earn more money, these are the suggested goals you can aim for when you are not just rich but ‘rich-rich rich.’
We all dream of a luxurious life, but it comes with time and little motivation.

Once you have a steady income, purchasing anything on sale or from the nearest local store loses appeal. You don’t care about only things worth spending money on but also what you have always wanted.

This article will discuss some costly items money can buy, adding to your happiness and upgrading your living style. So, you might also add one or two suggested items to your ‘things to buy when you have money’ list.

Things Worth Spending Money on When You Have Extra

Responsible rewards aren’t just about what you buy, but how it makes you feel.

When flush, prioritize experiences over things, invest in self-growth, and splurge on quality essentials for lasting value and happiness. Invest in experiences that enrich your soul, gadgets that streamline your hustle, or upgrades that elevate your everyday.

Here you go!

So, raise a glass (or a fist bump!), American achievers – you’ve earned it! Now go forth and reward yourselves responsibly, proudly, and with a smile that screams, “Adulting, who dis?”

Books should be your top priority if you are a book lover. How about having your library with as many as you want, fancy bookshelves with limited-edition books, original paperback covers, and signed copies?
Doesn’t it sound like a nerd’s fantasy, right?

Spark your literary adventure with these genres and books.

Classics with a Punch:

  • Harry Potter series: Magic and wonder for all ages.
  • To Kill a Mockingbird: Timeless wisdom on justice and empathy.
  • The Hobbit: A lighthearted quest filled with talking animals and bravery.

Modern page-turners:

  • The Hunger Games: Gripping dystopian adventure with a strong heroine.
  • Wonder is a Heartwarming story of a boy with facial differences.
  • Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine: Quirky, funny, and surprisingly relatable.

Short and sweet delights:

  • The Book Thief: World War II is seen through a young girl’s eyes.
  • Tuesdays with Morrie: Life lessons from a dying professor.
  • The Catcher in the Rye: Teen angst explored with wit and honesty.

Remember, choose a genre you enjoy! It is just the beginning of your bookish journey.
But we have more ideas if you’re not interested in books or find them boring!

Anyone who is worn out from their busy daily schedule should choose this. Owning a massage chair in your home can only be a treat. These massage chairs are pricey; add them to your ‘things to buy when you have money’ list. Massage chairs like Luraco, Shiatsu, and Wish Rock are excellent suggestions.

Trying before buying is crucial! Spend time in different chairs to find the perfect fit for your needs and budget.

  • Massage Techniques: Kneading, rolling, tapping, shiatsu – a variety is key! Look for chairs with multiple pre-programmed routines and adjustable intensity.
  • Track System: The S-track hugs your spine, the L-track reaches your glutes, and the SL-track combines both. Choose the one that targets your trouble zones.
  • Customization: Memory settings for your favorite programs, adjustable leg and footrests, heat therapy – the more personalized, the better.
  • Quality & Comfort: Use sturdy materials like PU leather or breathable fabrics. Test for ample padding and good lumbar support.
  • Bonus Features: Zero-gravity positioning for ultimate relaxation, built-in speakers for immersive audio, and even smartphone connectivity for app-controlled massages.

The two most highly regarded air purifiers that deliver quality are Levoit and Blueair. (Also, there’s a 35% sale on select air purifiers at BlueAir, so grab yours before it’s gone!)

Given the growing concern over air pollution, we must prioritize our health when we can at least regulate the environment in our own space. A high-quality air purifier is a must for the future because it may help you breathe fresh air.

Shield your lungs and breathe easily with the perfect air purifier! Look for these key features:

  • HEPA filter: The gold standard! It captures 99.97% of airborne particles as small as 0.3 microns, like dust, pollen, and even some viruses. CADR rating tells you how quickly the purifier cleans the air in a specific room size. Choose a CADR rating suitable for your space.
  • Activated carbon filter: Targets pesky odors and gases like smoke and cooking fumes.
  • Noise level: Consider where you’ll use the cleaner. A quieter model is ideal for bedrooms.
  • Energy efficiency: Look for Energy Star-certified models to save on electricity bills.
  • Replacement filters: Factor in the cost and availability of replacement filters. Some come with indicator lights to remind you when to change them.

You might enjoy reading, viewing art, and collecting lovely old items. When you have plenty of money to purchase them, plan to have your stunning antique collection. Included are books, typewriters, dinnerware, paintings, and more.

Choosing antiques and art is a personal journey, so the “best” type depends entirely on your taste and goals!

Here are some ideas to spark your inspiration:

  • Passion first: What speaks to you? Do you love the intricate details of Renaissance paintings, the bold brushstrokes of abstract expressionism, or the cozy charm of vintage ceramics?
  • Think about function: Are you looking for statement pieces to wow guests, timeless accents to complement your decor, or meaningful keepsakes to cherish?
  • Invest in quality: Whether it’s an antique armchair or a contemporary sculpture, prioritize craftsmanship and materials that will endure.
  • Mix and match eras: Be bold and blend old and new! A mid-century lamp might look fantastic next to a Victorian grandfather clock.
  • Seek out stories: Each antique or artwork has a past. Find its history and let it add depth and character to your space.
  • Support local artists: Give the gift of appreciation to up-and-coming creators in your community.
  • Start small: Begin with a few pieces you love and build your collection over time.

Adventure lovers already mark a jetski, ski-doo, or boat as essential items in their ‘things to buy when you have money’ list. Imagine being able to drive your wild vehicles on exciting all-year adventures. Travel alone and engage in wild escapades.


  • Thrill: Buckle up for high-speed splashes and sharp turns!
  • Maneuverability: Zip through tight spaces and carve exhilarating tracks.
  • Learning curve: It takes practice to master balance and power.
  • Solo adventure: Perfect for independent explorers seeking an adrenaline rush.


  • Winter wonderland: Explore snow-covered landscapes and conquer icy hills.
  • Off-road freedom: Go beyond groomed trails and discover hidden powder stashes.
  • Technical finesse: Requires skill and balance to navigate uneven terrain.
  • Shared exhilaration: Ideal for group adventures with friends or family.

Water Rafting Boats:

  • Teamwork makes the dream work: Coordinate paddles and navigate rapids together.
  • Scenic splendor: Experience nature’s beauty from a thrilling river perspective.
  • Controlled chaos: Exciting whitewater sections with calmer stretches for soaking it all in.
  • Group bonding: Creates lasting memories and shared stories of triumph.

Skincare devices have become the tech-savvy secret weapon in the beauty arsenal. From cleansing brushes that whisk away impurities to microcurrent tools that sculpt and tone, these gadgets offer a personalized, targeted approach to achieving radiant skin. You can also find a few suggestions on DC2024’s health & personal care category with exciting discounts.

Here are some key things to consider when choosing skincare devices:

  • Purpose: What are you hoping to achieve with the device? Do you want to reduce wrinkles, acne, or hyperpigmentation? Different devices target different concerns.
  • Technology: How does the device work? Some standard technologies include microcurrent, LED light therapy, and radiofrequency. Research the different technologies to see which one is right for you.
  • Safety: Make sure the device is FDA-cleared and has good safety reviews.
  • Ease of use: Some devices are more complex than others. Choose one that you’ll be comfortable using regularly.
  • Price: Skincare devices can range from $50 to $500. Set a budget before you start shopping.
  • Brand reputation: Choose a device from a reputable brand with good customer service.
  • Reviews: Read reviews from other users to see what they think of the device.
  • Return policy: Make sure the device has a good return policy in case you’re unhappy.

It would be an espresso machine if we decide what we want to own. The most favorite suggested items to your ‘things to buy when you have money’ list. Espresso is healthy, and if you can get espresso in your house, why not? You will never regret investing in it.

You needn’t pay a lot because you can purchase an espresso machine for less than $1,000.

  • Level Up Your Brew: Semi-automatic vs. automatic: Decide how much hands-on experience you want. Semi-automatic offers more control, while automatic simplifies your routine.
  • Pressure Makes Perfect: 15 bar is the gold standard for consistent espresso extraction. Look for machines that reach or exceed this pressure.
  • Steam Power: Milk frothing? Choose a machine with a dedicated steam wand for barista-worthy lattes and cappuccinos.
  • Grinding Gears: Built-in grinder? Convenient, but consider noise and cleaning. A separate grinder offers more control over grind size for optimal brewing.
  • Size Matters: Countertop space? Compact machines deliver delicious espresso without taking up too much room.
  • Cleaning Concerns: Removable parts and drip trays simplify maintenance. Invest in a machine with easily cleaned components.
  • Budget Bling: Set a realistic budget and prioritize features like automatic milk frothing or built-in grinders based on your needs and preferences.

You may enjoy incredible gaming experiences, romantic movie nights, and OTT shows without paying for tickets, waiting in long lines, and sitting beside strangers. So, a real movie theater experience in our home is definitely on our ‘things to buy when you have money’ wishlist.

  • Stage Presence: Consider size, versatility, and potential backdrops. Can you easily accommodate different types of performances?
  • Sound Symphony: Quality speakers, proper acoustics, and mic options are crucial for crystal-clear audio. Bonus points for adjustable lighting!
  • Seating Savvy: Comfortable chairs, good sightlines, and ample legroom ensure a pleasant audience experience. Consider tiered seating for optimal viewing.
  • Projector Panorama: Invest in a high-resolution projector and a sturdy screen for movie nights, presentations, or immersive visuals.
  • Costumes & Cues: Designated storage space for costumes, props, and sound equipment keeps things organized and readily accessible.
  • Tech Toolbox: Basic tools, extension cords, and adapters are handy for unexpected hiccups or quick set adjustments.
  • Safety Spotlight: Marked exits, fire extinguishers, and first-aid kits prioritize safety and peace of mind.
  • Lights, Camera, Action: Explore dimmable stage lights or string lights for ambiance, and consider colored filters for creative mood-setting.
  • Curtain Call: Stage curtains or fabric backdrops add a professional touch and create a dedicated performance space. Get Comfy! Extra blankets, cushions, or beanbags enhance audience comfort, especially for longer shows or movie marathons.

Who doesn’t enjoy expensive jewelry from Cartier, Bulova, or Michael Kors when they have the money? An excellent statement watch must be on your list, even if only a little.

In the opinion of many fashionistas and well-known individuals, a great, expensive watch adds a lot of refinement to one’s appearance. You can profit from it daily, and it’s a reliable long-term investment.

Choosing a fancy watch is more than just telling time; it’s about expressing your style and investing in quality craftsmanship. Here are some key points to consider:


  • Quartz: Reliable and accurate, perfect for everyday wear.
  • Mechanical: Intricate and mesmerizing, offers a deeper connection to watchmaking history.
  • Automatic: Self-winding with movement, no battery needed, a blend of convenience and tradition.


  • Case: Stainless steel is durable and classic, while precious metals like gold or titanium add luxury.
  • Strap: Leather is timeless, metal bracelets are sporty, and fabric straps offer a casual touch.


  • Water resistance: Choose a rating suitable for your lifestyle, from basic splash-proof to deep-diving capabilities.
  • Complications: Additional functions like chronographs, moon phases, or GMT dials add complexity and interest.


  • Dress watch: Elegant and minimalist, perfect for formal occasions.
  • Dive watch: Sporty and water-resistant, built for adventure.
  • Pilot watch: Easy to read with bold numerals inspired by aviation instruments.

The last item on our list of suggested things to buy when you have money is something to make your commute easy. An electric scooter or a Segway is a brilliant and reliable choice. It is one of the best short-distance transportation options and a lot of fun!

Forget gas consumers and overcrowded commutes. Electric scooters and Segways offer a sleek, sustainable, and convenient way to zip around town.

  • Safety First: Prioritize models with sturdy builds, bright headlights and taillights, and reliable brakes. Reflective accents and bells are bonus points!
  • Power Play: Choose a motor wattage that suits your needs. Lower wattages are great for casual cruising, while higher ones easily tackle hills. But remember, higher wattage often means a steeper price tag.
  • Range Rover: Consider your typical commute distance and opt for a scooter with a range that comfortably exceeds it. Nobody wants to be stranded with a dead battery!
  • Comfort Cruiser: Look for expansive decks and adjustable handlebars for a comfortable ride. Suspension systems smooth out bumpy roads, and pneumatic tires offer better grip and shock absorption than solid ones.
  • Portable Pal: If storage space is tight, prioritize foldable models that you can easily tuck away at home or work. Bonus points for lightweight designs!
  • Tech Savvy: Some scooters boast Bluetooth connectivity, smartphone apps, and even built-in GPS! Choose features that enhance your riding experience without distracting you from the road.
  • Safety Gear, Don’t Fear: Helmets are non-negotiable! Consider elbow and knee pads for added protection, and don’t forget gloves for a secure grip. Safety first, fun always!

And That’s How Adulting Is Done Right!

Remember those childhood days of dreaming about winning the lottery? Well, guess what? You did! Maybe not literally, but you’ve hustled, you’ve budgeted, and now you’ve got some extra cash burning a hole in your pocket.

Remember, adulting ain’t just about splurging (though, who doesn’t love a good splurge?). It’s about finding the perfect balance between responsible choices and rewarding yourself for all that hard work. And responsible rewards aren’t just about what you buy, but how it makes you feel.

So go out there, invest in your passions, treat yourself to experiences that’ll leave lasting memories, and most importantly, enjoy the fruits of your labor!

We hope you find something to add to your list of things to buy when you have money.

Jennifer Andrew

In a complicated relationship with Mexican food. 🍲

Meet Jennifer Andrew, a storyteller with the rhythm of New York pulsing through her words. Born and raised in the heart of the Big Apple, Jennifer's narratives blend urban vibrancy and the profound human experience.